Your Local Internet Service Provider

“PogoZone, please help. We’ve been under contract with our current internet service provider for years and we feel like we’re being held hostage. Our rates just tripled, their customer service is terrible, and outages are a common occurrence. Do you service our area?”

We see messages like this ALL. THE. TIME.

Fortunately for these folks, we’re here with local high-speed internet to save the day.

Us vs Them

There are a lot of differences between us and them–the other internet companies. We are your local option and simply put, you’re not just a number to us. You’re the parents of a child that attends the same school as ours, you’re the volunteer helping out at the food back right along side us, you’re the barista who helps start our day with a smile, you’re the retiree who tells the best stories around a bonfire, you’re the local business owner who supports other local companies.You’re more than an account number or customer, you’re part of this community too. And we appreciate you so very much!

local internet service provider reviews and comparison Did you know we currently service areas of Whatcom and Skagit Counties as well as Lummi and Orcas Islands? It’s true. AND we’re working around the clock to expand our service areas and offerings.

Do we service your home or business? There are several ways to find out!

Call us at: 360.676.8772

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Chat with us using the chat tool in the lower right corner:

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Not only do we offer local high-speed internet, we also offer pzTV, VoIP (phone), ethernet, business solutions, enterprise packages, email, and web hosting.

Help support the local community and choose PogoZone for your internet needs.

Need Help? Let our trained experts assist you.

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